Armor of Agathys 5e: A Strategy Guide for Players and Dungeon Masters (2024)

Hey there, adventurers and lorekeepers! Today, we're diving into the frosty depths of one of the coolest (pun intended) spells in the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition arsenal: Armor of Agathys 5e . This spell isn't just a flashy way to don some magical ice armor; it's a strategic gem that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. So, grab your spellbooks and let's explore how to make the most of this chilling charm!

So, grab your spellbook, gather your dnd dice, and let's embark on a celestial journey through Armor of Agathys 5e in the world of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition!

What Does Armor of Agathy 5e Do in D&D?

At its core, Armor of Agathys is a 1st-level abjuration spell available to Warlocks, and with certain subclass choices, to other classes as well. When cast, it cloaks the caster in a protective layer of icy magic, granting them temporary hit points and a frosty vengeance against any foe daring enough to touch them. But Armor of Agathys isn't just about the numbers in the spell description; it's about how you use it to shape your adventures and battles.

The Core Rules: Armor of Agathy 5e

The spell, as written in the core books, provides temporary hit points and retaliates with cold damage to any melee attacker. The beauty of Armor of Agathys 5e lies in its dual purpose: protection and retribution. As you cast it at higher levels, both the temporary hit points and the cold damage inflicted increase, making it scalable and relevant throughout your adventuring career.

The spell "Armor of Agathys" is a powerful and tactical asset for any spellcaster in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, particularly favored by Warlocks. According to the core rules found in the "Player's Handbook," here's a detailed description of what this spell does:

Armor of Agathys 5e is a 1st-level abjuration spell that requires only a verbal component to cast, making it swift and silent in many situations. Upon casting, the spellcaster is enveloped in a protective, magical frost that grants them 5 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points not only serve as a buffer against incoming damage but also embody the spell's offensive capability. Any creature that hits the caster with a melee attack while this icy shield is active suffers 5 points of cold damage. This effect is instantaneous and does not require the caster to use a reaction, making it an efficient means of dealing damage while defending oneself.

The spell has a duration of 1 hour, requires no concentration, and its effects scale with the spell slot used to cast it. For each level above 1st, the temporary hit points and the cold damage increase by 5. This scalability ensures that Armor of Agathys 5e remains relevant and powerful as characters level up and face more formidable foes.

Armor of Agathys 5e: A Strategy Guide for Players and Dungeon Masters (1)

Warding Bond

  • School: Abjuration
  • Level: 2nd
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a pair of platinum rings worth at least 50 gp each, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Classes: Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Sorcerer

By its nature, Armor of Agathys provides a unique blend of offense and defense, allowing spellcasters to deter attackers through the threat of retaliatory damage while bolstering their resilience against physical assaults. It's a strategic choice for characters who expect to be in the thick of combat or wish to prepare for an impending battle.


  1. Dual Functionality : The spell simultaneously provides temporary hit points and damages attackers, offering both defense and offense in a single action. This makes it exceptionally efficient in resource management, as it doesn't require separate actions or spells for protection and retaliation.

  2. No Concentration Required : Unlike many spells that offer protection or damage potential, Armor of Agathys does not require concentration. This allows the caster to maintain their defensive shield while casting other concentration spells, significantly enhancing their combat versatility.

  3. Scalability : With its damage and protection scaling with the level of the spell slot used, Armor of Agathys remains relevant and effective throughout a character's progression. This scalability ensures that the spell continues to be a viable option even at higher levels.

  4. Passive Damage : The spell deals damage to any melee attacker without requiring a reaction from the caster. This passive damage capability can deter enemies from attacking the caster or punish those who do, potentially changing the dynamics of combat encounters.

  5. No Saving Throw for Damage : The cold damage dealt to attackers does not allow for a saving throw, ensuring that any melee attacker will suffer the full effect. This reliability makes Armor of Agathys a dependable source of damage in combat situations.


  1. Limited to Melee Attacks : The spell's retaliatory damage only affects melee attackers. This makes it less effective against enemies that rely on ranged attacks or spells, potentially reducing its utility in certain combat scenarios.

  2. Dependent on Temporary Hit Points : Once the temporary hit points granted by the spell are depleted, its protective and offensive benefits end. Against powerful foes capable of dealing high damage, the spell's effectiveness can be short-lived.

  3. No Scaling of Duration : The duration of Armor of Agathys remains fixed at 1 hour, regardless of the spell slot level used. While generally sufficient, in prolonged encounters or when cast preemptively, the spell might expire before it can be fully utilized.

  4. Limited Class Accessibility : Primarily available to Warlocks, the spell's accessibility is somewhat limited compared to more universally available spells. This restricts its strategic use to characters within specific classes or those who have access through feats or multiclassing.

  5. Resource Competition : For classes with access to Armor of Agathys , such as Warlocks, there is often competition for spell slots due to the class's limited spellcasting capabilities. Choosing to cast Armor of Agathys means potentially forgoing the use of other powerful spells, requiring careful resource management.

Armor of Agathys 5e-Damage Chart and Compatible Classes

In Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Armor of Agathys is a spell that primarily belongs to the Warlock spell list, making it a staple choice for Warlocks who often find themselves in close quarters or seeking additional protection and offensive capabilities. However, the versatility of D&D 5e's ruleset allows for other classes to potentially access this spell through various means:

  1. Warlocks : As the primary users of Armor of Agathys , Warlocks can cast this spell right from the start. It aligns well with their often limited spell slots by providing significant value per cast, both defensively and offensively.

  2. Paladins (Oath of Conquest) : The Oath of Conquest Paladin, introduced in "Xanathar's Guide to Everything," can choose Armor of Agathys as part of their expanded spell list. This addition reflects the subclass's focus on intimidation and control, providing a thematic and mechanical boost to their frontline capabilities.

  3. Wizards (with the Scribe Wizard Subclass from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything) : The Scribe Wizard subclass has the ability to add spells from other classes to their spellbook through their "Awakened Spellbook" feature. This makes it possible for a Scribe Wizard to use Armor of Agathys if they come across it during their adventures.

  4. Characters with the Magic Initiate Feat : Any character can gain access to Armor of Agathys by choosing the Magic Initiate feat and selecting Warlock as the class from which to draw spells. This feat allows for the casting of the spell once per long rest, without using a spell slot.

  5. Characters with the Spellcasting Feature and Access to Warlock Spell Scrolls : Characters capable of casting spells and who have access to a spell scroll of Armor of Agathys can attempt to cast the spell using the scroll, regardless of their class. Success depends on the character's ability to cast spells of the scroll's level and might require a successful ability check if Armor of Agathys is not on their class spell list.

These pathways reflect the flexible nature of spell acquisition in D&D 5e, allowing for creative and diverse character builds. While Warlocks naturally have the easiest access to Armor of Agathys , the game's mechanics encourage experimentation and customization, enabling a variety of classes to potentially harness the spell's icy protection and retribution.

Damage Chart for 5e Armor of Agathysin D&D

Here's the damage chart for Armor of Agathys at different spell levels:

Spell LevelTemporary Hit PointsCold Damage on Melee Hit

This chart illustrates how the spell scales with the level at which it is cast. Both the temporary hit points granted and the cold damage dealt to melee attackers increase by 5 for each level above 1st at which the spell is cast. This scalability ensures that Armor of Agathys remains a valuable spell for characters as they progress in power and face more formidable foes.

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Breakdown of how each class can access Armor of Agathy 5e

Let's break down how each class mentioned can access the Armor of Agathys 5e spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, highlighting the unique paths each class or feature takes to incorporate this spell into their repertoire.


  • Primary Access : Warlocks have Armor of Agathys 5e as a part of their core spell list. This means they can choose it as one of their spells known when they gain a level that grants them access to new spells of its level. Being a 1st-level spell, it's available from the very start of a Warlock's journey, aligning with their thematic elements of dark, arcane power and protection.

Paladins (Oath of Conquest)

  • Oath Spells : At 3rd level, Paladins choose an Oath that shapes their divine powers. The Oath of Conquest, detailed in "Xanathar's Guide to Everything," includes Armor of Agathys 5e in its Oath Spells list. Oath Spells are automatically added to the Paladin's list of spells prepared, and they don't count against the number of spells the Paladin can prepare each day.

Wizards (Scribe Wizard Subclass)

  • Awakened Spellbook : The Scribe Wizard, introduced in "Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything," can add spells from any class's spell list to their spellbook through their Awakened Spellbook feature. This requires the Wizard to find a spell scroll of Armor of Agathys 5e or access to another spellcaster's spellbook that contains it. Once added, they can cast it as a Wizard spell.

Characters with the Magic Initiate Feat

  • Feat Selection : The Magic Initiate feat allows a character to learn two cantrips and one 1st-level spell from a particular class's spell list. By choosing Warlock for the feat, a character can select Armor of Agathys 5e as their 1st-level spell. This spell can be cast once per long rest without expending a spell slot, and it uses Charisma as the spellcasting ability for it.

Characters Using Spell Scrolls

  • Spell Scrolls : Any character who can cast spells might come across a spell scroll of Armor of Agathys 5e during their adventures. Using a spell scroll allows a character to cast a specific spell without it being on their class's spell list, assuming they meet the scroll's level requirements. Successfully casting the spell from the scroll consumes the scroll, but it allows for a one-time use of spells not typically accessible to the caster.


  • Multiclass Spellcasting : While not explicitly outlined above, characters who multiclass into Warlock gain access to Armor of Agathys 5e through the Warlock spell list. The multiclassing rules allow characters to combine spell slots and access spells from multiple classes, provided they have the required levels in the spellcasting classes involved.

These pathways demonstrate the versatility and accessibility of Armor of Agathys 5e across different classes and characters in D&D 5e. Whether through divine oath, arcane study, the pursuit of forbidden knowledge, or the clever use of feats and magical items, this spell offers a unique combination of defense and retaliation to those who wield it.

Armor of Agathys 5e: A Strategy Guide for Players and Dungeon Masters (5)

Tips when using Armor of Agathys

maximizing the effectiveness of Armor of Agathys 5eis to strategically manage your position on the battlefield. Given that the spell deals cold damage to any enemy that hits you with a melee attack, positioning yourself where you can be targeted by multiple melee opponents will maximize the spell's damage output. However, this needs to be balanced with caution to avoid unnecessary damage that could deplete the temporary hit points too quickly.

The Strategy Behind 5e Armor of Agathys

Using Armor of Agathys 5e effectively in Dungeons & Dragons 5e involves more than just casting it at the start of combat. To maximize its potential, consider the following strategic tips tailored to various aspects of gameplay:

Before Combat

  1. Preemptive Casting : Since Armor of Agathys 5e lasts for 1 hour and doesn't require concentration, cast it when you anticipate combat. This approach ensures you enter the fray with its benefits already in place, saving you a crucial action during combat.

  2. Resource Management : If you have spell slots of different levels, consider the balance between using a higher-level slot for increased protection and damage versus saving those slots for other spells. The decision should be based on the anticipated threat level of upcoming encounters.

During Combat

  1. Positioning : If you're a front-line fighter or can reasonably expect to be targeted in melee, Armor of Agathys 5e shines brightest. Position yourself where you're likely to be attacked, maximizing the spell's retaliatory damage. However, avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself to danger just to trigger the spell's effect.

  2. Synergy with Defensive Abilities : Combine Armor of Agathys 5e with other defensive spells or abilities that increase your AC or force disadvantage on attacks against you. This way, the temporary hit points from Armor of Agathys 5e last longer, allowing you to deal more cold damage over time.

  3. Tactical Retreats : If your temporary hit points are running low, consider strategically withdrawing from melee to prevent the spell from wearing off prematurely. This tactic is especially useful if you can provoke enemies into following you, potentially leading them into traps or the range of your allies' attacks.

Armor of Agathys 5e: A Strategy Guide for Players and Dungeon Masters (6)

In Specific Scenarios

  1. Crowd Control : In encounters with multiple enemies, Armor of Agathys 5e provides excellent crowd control. Enemies that rely on swarming tactics or numerous low-damage attacks can quickly deplete their own health by chipping away at your icy shield.

  2. Intimidation and Roleplay : Don't underestimate the psychological impact of Armor of Agathys 5e. In social encounters or tense standoffs, the visual spectacle of being encased in ice can be used to intimidate or negotiate from a position of strength.

Against Certain Foes

  1. Evaluating Opponents : Before casting Armor of Agathys 5e, quickly assess whether your foes favor melee or ranged combat. The spell is most effective against melee attackers, so it might be less useful in battles dominated by spellcasters or archers.

  2. Environmental Considerations : In cold environments or situations where cold damage is particularly effective (or ineffective), adjust your use of Armor of Agathys 5e accordingly. Some creatures are resistant or vulnerable to cold damage, which can drastically change the spell's effectiveness.

Advanced Combinations

  1. Spell and Ability Combos : Look for opportunities to combine Armor of Agathys 5e with other spells and class abilities for powerful effects. For example, a Warlock might use Mirror Image to make it harder for enemies to hit them, prolonging the duration of Armor of Agathys 5e temporary hit points and retaliatory damage. Similarly, classes with access to healing or damage mitigation can further extend the utility and lifespan of the spell's benefits.

By integrating these strategies, you can elevate Armor of Agathys 5e from a simple defensive spell to a cornerstone of your combat strategy, offering both protection and a potent means of dealing damage to overeager foes.

Armor of Agathys 5e: A Chilling Defense

A DM's Guide to Armor of Agathys 5e

As a Dungeon Master (DM), incorporating Armor of Agathys 5e into your Dungeons & Dragons 5e games presents unique opportunities for both challenge and storytelling. Here’s a guide on how to use this spell to enhance your game, manage its impact, and create memorable moments for your players.

Introducing the Spell to Your Game

  1. Enemy Spellcasters : Introduce Armor of Agathys 5e as a tool in the arsenals of enemy spellcasters, particularly those aligned with cold or dark powers. This not only showcases the spell to your players but also sets up challenging encounters where players must think strategically about engaging these foes in melee combat.

  2. Magical Items and Lore : Create items, such as scrolls or enchanted armor, that grant the ability to cast Armor of Agathys 5e. Incorporate lore that explains the origin of these items, tying them to icy realms, ancient pacts, or frost-themed deities, to enrich your world's backstory.

Balancing Encounters

  1. Assessing Party Strength : When planning encounters, consider the presence of Armor of Agathys 5e in your party's repertoire. Adjust the difficulty accordingly, knowing that the spell can significantly impact the survivability of front-line characters and deter enemies from attacking.

  2. Enemy Tactics : Develop tactics for intelligent enemies that recognize the threat of Armor of Agathys 5e. These might include using ranged attacks, focusing on other party members, or employing dispel magic to remove the spell’s effects.

  3. Environmental Challenges : Use environmental factors to challenge players relying on Armor of Agathys 5e. For example, extreme heat could reduce the spell's duration or effectiveness, adding a layer of complexity to its use.

Enhancing Roleplay and Storytelling

  1. Visual and Sensory Descriptions : Describe the spell's effects vividly, emphasizing the sudden chill in the air, the frost forming over the caster's armor, and the cold mist that lingers. Use these descriptions to set the mood and enhance the immersive experience of your game.

  2. NPC Reactions : Have NPCs react to the spell, whether it's with fear, awe, or strategic consideration during negotiations. This can add depth to social interactions and highlight the spell's reputation and power within your game world.

  3. Quests and Arcs : Design quests or story arcs around the origins, components, or mastery of Armor of Agathys . Perhaps a rare ingredient is required to unlock its full potential, or a legendary figure associated with the spell needs the party's help, leading to unique adventures.

Managing Game Dynamics

  1. Counters and Challenges : Introduce counters to the spell, such as enemies with fire attacks that can melt away the icy protection, to keep the game balanced and encourage players to think creatively about their spell use.

  2. Reward Strategic Use : When players use Armor of Agathys 5e cleverly, reward them with narrative benefits or tactical advantages. This encourages thoughtful gameplay and makes spellcasting choices more meaningful.

Spells that that share similarities with Armor of Agathys 5e

Mage Armor

  • Description : Provides a significant boost to the caster's Armor Class (AC) without requiring them to wear physical armor. While it doesn't deal damage or provide temporary hit points, it's a foundational defensive spell that enhances survivability.


  • Description : An instant reaction spell that increases the caster's AC by +5 against a single attack and grants immunity to magic missile. Like Armor of Agathys , it's used for personal protection, though it focuses on preventing damage from a specific attack rather than providing ongoing benefits.

Fire Shield

  • Description : Offers both warmth and chill modes, providing damage resistance and retaliating against attackers with fire or cold damage, respectively. This spell is a higher-level counterpart to Armor of Agathys , dealing damage to attackers without consuming temporary hit points.

Blade Ward

  • Description : Grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from weapon attacks, effectively halving the damage received from such sources for a turn. It's a cantrip that offers a defensive option similar in spirit to Armor of Agathys , though without the damage retaliation component.

Hellish Rebuke

  • Description : Allows the caster to deal fire damage to a creature that damages them, using a reaction. This spell shares the retaliatory damage aspect with Armor of Agathys , though it requires the caster to use a reaction and deals fire damage.


  • Description : Grants resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, similar to Blade Ward but with a longer duration and a broader effect. It's another spell that enhances the caster's durability in combat, akin to the protective nature of Armor of Agathys .

Warding Bond

  • Description : Establishes a connection between the caster and another creature, granting both parties a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws, and resistance to all damage. The caster shares the damage taken by the target, offering a protective bond that has a different mechanism but a similar goal of damage mitigation.

Mirror Image

  • Description : Creates illusory duplicates of the caster, making it harder for enemies to hit them with attacks. This spell provides a form of defense by deception, reducing the likelihood of the caster taking hits and indirectly serving a protective role.

Absorb Elements

  • Description : As a reaction to taking acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, the caster gains resistance to the triggering damage type and can deal extra damage of that type on their next melee attack. This spell combines damage mitigation with a retaliatory strike, though focused on elemental attacks.

Each of these spells offers a unique approach to defense, damage mitigation, or retaliation, providing players and Dungeon Masters with a variety of magical tools to enhance survivability and strategic depth in combat situations.

Armor of Agathys 5e: A Strategy Guide for Players and Dungeon Masters (7)

StrategicWarding Bond Considerations

One crucial strategic consideration for using Armor of Agathys 5e effectively in Dungeons & Dragons 5e is the timing and circ*mstances of its activation. This spell is not just about providing an additional buffer of hit points; its real value lies in the retaliatory cold damage it deals to any enemy that lands a melee attack on you. Therefore, the strategic casting of Armor of Agathys 5e before engaging in combat—especially when you anticipate being the target of multiple melee attacks—can significantly enhance its effectiveness.

The Frostbound Pact: Eirwyn's Ascendancy

In the frostbitten realm of Glaciera, where eternal winter clutched the land in its icy grasp, there lived a warlock named Eirwyn. She was bound by a pact to a mysterious entity known only as the Frost Sovereign, a being of immense power and cold indifference. Eirwyn, seeking to prove her worth and expand her knowledge, embarked on a perilous journey to the heart of the Frozen Wastes, a place said to be the source of all cold in the world.

As she traversed the treacherous ice fields, a pack of ice wraiths, creatures as merciless as the winter wind, ambushed her. With no time to react, Eirwyn called upon the ancient magic of her pact, uttering the incantation for Armor of Agathys 5e. Instantly, a shimmering layer of frost formed over her, encasing her in a protective shell of ice, gleaming like the heart of a glacier under the moonlight.

The first wraith struck, its claws scraping against the icy barrier, only to recoil in agony as the cold magic lashed back, wounding the creature with its own bitter chill. Each subsequent attack from the wraiths was met with the same frosty retribution, their essence fading into the winter air with each failed strike.

Eirwyn pressed forward, the armor of Agathys her bulwark against the relentless cold and her assailants. By the time she reached the Frozen Wastes' heart, not a wraith stood in her path. There, she communed with the Frost Sovereign, her armor a testament to her resolve and mastery of the cold. In that moment, Eirwyn was not just a warlock but a force of winter itself, unyielding and indomitable.


In conclusion, Armor of Agathys 5e stands out as a distinctive and powerful spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, offering a unique combination of defensive protection and offensive retaliation. Its ability to provide temporary hit points and deal cold damage to melee attackers makes it a valuable asset for any character able to cast it, particularly Warlocks, for whom it is a staple. The spell's strategic depth is enhanced by its scalability with spell slot level, ensuring its continued relevance throughout a character's progression.

We've explored various strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of Armor of Agathys 5e, from preemptive casting to strategic positioning and combining it with other defensive spells and abilities. These strategies not only enhance the caster's survivability but also turn their defense into a potent offensive tool. Additionally, we've discussed how Dungeon Masters can incorporate this spell into their games, using it to challenge and intrigue players while enriching the narrative and gameplay experience.

The exploration of spells similar to Armor of Agathys 5e highlights the rich tapestry of defensive and retaliatory magic available in D&D 5e. Spells like Mage Armor, Shield, Fire Shield, and Hellish Rebuke provide players with a range of options for protecting themselves and striking back at their foes, each with its own unique flavor and tactical considerations.

Whether you're a player looking to bolster your character's defensive capabilities or a Dungeon Master seeking to add depth and challenge to your encounters, Armor of Agathys and spells like it offer a wealth of opportunities for creative and strategic gameplay. By understanding and leveraging these spells' strengths and weaknesses, you can navigate the challenges of the game with confidence and flair, making every encounter a memorable adventure.

Armor of Agathys 5e: A Strategy Guide for Players and Dungeon Masters (8)

The Author: Quinny

Attention, weary travelers and valiant adventurers! Behold, our sacred emporium, where the pursuit of the ultimate D&D Dice reaches its zenith. As guardians of destiny, we cater to a diverse fellowship - human bards, elven rangers, dwarven fighters, half-orc thieves, halfling clerics, and even immortal vampires.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Armor of Agathys 5e good?

Yes, Armor of Agathys 5e is very good, offering both protective temporary hit points and retaliatory cold damage to melee attackers.

How does Armor of Agathys 5e work?

Armor of Agathys 5e grants the caster temporary hit points and causes cold damage to any melee attacker who hits the caster while the spell is active, without needing the caster's reaction.

What book is 5e Armor of Agathys in?

The spell Armor of Agathys is found in the "Player's Handbook" for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.

What does Armor of Agathys 5e do?

Armor of Agathys 5e grants the caster a protective layer of icy magic that provides temporary hit points. If a melee attacker hits the caster while this magical armor is active, the attacker takes cold damage. The amount of temporary hit points and cold damage scales with the spell's level.

What is Armor of Agathys 5e lore?

The lore around Armor of Agathys in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition isn't extensively detailed in the core rulebooks, but it evokes imagery and themes associated with cold, protection, and retaliation through arcane power. The spell is a reflection of the mystical and often darker paths of magic, typically favored by Warlocks who draw their power from pacts with otherworldly entities.

Who is Agathys 5e?

In the lore of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, "Agathys" does not refer to a specific character or entity detailed in the official rulebooks or supplements. Instead, the name is part of the spell Armor of Agathys , which suggests a thematic connection to cold and protection but doesn't explicitly define who or what Agathys is within the D&D universe. The name might imply a connection to a mythical figure, an arcane concept, or a realm associated with cold, but any specific backstory or identity would be a creation of individual DMs or campaign settings, rather than established D&D canon.

What level is Armor of Agathys dnd 5e?

Armor of Agathys is a 1st-level abjuration spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.

What is the Armor of Agathys paladin 5e?

In Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Paladins do not naturally have access to Armor of Agathys through their standard class spell list. However, Paladins who choose the Oath of Conquest, a subclass introduced in "Xanathar's Guide to Everything," gain Armor of Agathys as part of their Oath Spells at 3rd level. Oath Spells are automatically prepared without counting against the number of spells a Paladin can prepare each day, providing them with additional magical options that reflect their subclass's theme and ethos.

What is the rating of 5e Armor of Agathys?

The "rating" of spells in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, including Armor of Agathys , isn't officially quantified by the game's publishers in terms of effectiveness or power level. However, among players and Dungeon Masters, Armor of Agathys is generally highly regarded for its unique combination of providing temporary hit points and dealing cold damage to melee attackers. Its effectiveness is particularly noted for characters who engage in close combat or those who can strategically use the spell to their advantage.

What is the Armor of Agathys D&D?

Armor of Agathys in Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a 1st-level abjuration spell known for its unique protective and retaliatory properties. When cast, the spell creates a magical layer of frost around the caster, granting them temporary hit points. Additionally, if a melee attacker hits the caster while this icy armor is active, the attacker takes cold damage. The amount of temporary hit points and cold damage scales with the level of the spell slot used to cast it. This spell is particularly favored by Warlocks, though certain subclasses and features can grant access to other classes. Armor of Agathys is valued for its dual role in bolstering the caster's defenses while punishing aggressors, making it a strategic choice in combat situations.

Armor of Agathys 5e: A Strategy Guide for Players and Dungeon Masters (2024)


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